Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anyone Out There Collect Box Tops?

I am saving Box Tops for anyone out there that collects them. Simply email if you are interested in receiving my Box Tops during the next few months. If several people reply, I will draw a "winner" on

When I taught second grade two years ago, we collected Box Tops and had contests going throughout the school. I even decorated a little jar called the "Box Tops Monster" and he "ate" the Box Tops. My students loved it! Now that I am a SAHM, I would like to pass these on to someone who can use them! Your school will earn 10 cents for every Box Top earned!


  1. Cool deal! We save box tops for my oldest son. He loves getting them and taking them to his class.

  2. Great - saving for my 3rd grader's school.


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